Headshot Examples / Professional Headshots
First off, did you know that your headshot can be tax deductible? With that being said professional headshots are certainly an investment, both from a financial stand point and for your professional career, A high-quality headshot can help you make a great first impression, whether you’re applying for a job or promoting your own business. Here are a few ways to get the most out of your professional headshots.

Use a variety of expressions.
Every single shot you take doesn’t have to be a super serious look. Yes, you want to look professional, but that does not mean you cannot give up a smile or even laugh now and then. And you certainly don’t have to use the same forced smile for every image. The more variety you have in your expressions, the more choices you’ll have later. A headshot that looks more serious may be good for a job application or company directory, while an image that’s a little more casual would be better fit for social media or your website. In both occasions you can count on your photographer to make you look your best by directing you and coaching you in order to achieve the best possible images.
Keep it simple.
Picking a background may be daunting but you want something that will help you stand out but won’t be so distracting that the viewer starts looking at what's going on behind you, rather than focusing on you, the star of the show. Consult with your photographer about the kind of backgrounds you think would fit your needs best. They can guide you in choosing the best locations or may have access to in-studio backdrops that can get you the look you’re going for.
Let the pros take care of hair and makeup.
The hair and makeup you put on normally may be very different from the makeup you may have done for a photoshoot. Although, delicate editing is done on your images, a professional hair and makeup artist knows what foundation is required for your skin, the right amount of contouring or highlights to add. The last thing you want is that the light from the flashes to wash out your beautiful skin color. Having both your hair and makeup professionally done before your shoot will ensure that you’ll look your best. Plus it's a great confidence booster.
And for the men, do yourself a big favor — head to your preferred barbershop before your scheduled session so you can look on point!
Whatever you profession, the clothes you choose to wear are going to be a key factor in your headshots and they will be one of the first things people notice when they look at your images. The best advice is to steer clear of any patterns or graphics that can be distracting such as polka dots, animal prints, Ed hardy clothing (haha) and stick to solid, neutral colors. This way the main focus again, is you. Ladies, I know a big gaudy necklaces or any large pieces of jewelry can be fun and they do have their place in something a little more personal portraits but when having your headshot images taken, those big pieces will draw attention away from your face. Also pro tip: please make sure you have all your clothes dry cleaned or pressed before your photo session. Small wrinkles can be dealt with in Photoshop but large creases prove to be a very difficult task and in most cases look very unflattering.
Loosen up and get in the groove.
One of the biggest challenges that holds people back from getting professional headshots is anxiety of being in front of a camera. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me: “I’m just not photogenic” or “I have to lose X amount of weight.” I would enjoy an early retirement. I'm here to tell you that you're not alone and that everyone in the images above felt the same way. However, it's your photographer’s job to guide you, make you feel at ease and hold your hand if need be to make sure you look like a million bucks. I have found that one of the best ways to do that is to play some of your favorite music. So a few days before your session put together a playlist of songs that help you relax—or songs that get you pumped up. The goal is to make you feel comfortable and confident at the same time!
Who is your audience?
While planning your photo session, your photographer should encourage you to explore the type of headshots that would fit well with your business or industry. Browse through the websites of brands you’d like to work for and analyze the photos of their employees. And if you’re an entrepreneur kicking off your own business, scout for similar companies to give you an idea of what kind of feel you would like to convey. If you’re not sure, it's best to play it safe and be a little more conservative.
Keep in mind, the more energy and consideration you place on your images, the more you’ll get out of them. After all, your headshots are a healthy investment towards your professional career!